
Please contact Stacy Malik at 810.626.2150 or stacymalik@hartlandschools.us  if you are interested in becoming an enrichment instructor.

If you plan to teach a class for children for Hartland Community Education, you must have a Criminal Background check and fingerprinting done prior to teaching.

If your class is intended for students over 18 years old you must have an ICHAT (Criminal History Search Authorization) filled out and completed. This includes the need for a copy of your Driver’s License.

Instructors teaching children, with or without their parents, in attendance must have the criminal background check completed prior to the requirement to get fingerprinted. The forms are available through Community Education.

We pay on a 50/50 split of the course fee. Materials fee, if any, are to be collected at the first class and payable to the instructor. If you wish to be paid to a company name, then a copy of your LLC or DBA papers are required and will be kept on file.


No formal training or certification is necessary.

For more information or questions, contact the Hartland Community Ed office at 810.626.2150